English, asked by drparesh1048, 1 year ago

Message for mahatma gandhi to modern india


Answered by Vikrant2311

1. Don't Chase Material Possession.

In the pursuit of material wealth we often forget that we will have to leave all this behind when we go to meet our maker. Try and limit your possession to less than 100 things. Instead spend your time and money learning new things, pursuing a hobby, travelling and sharing your wealth with the less fortunate.

2. Eat simple food and in moderation.

Gandhiji ate in a small bowl and so could measure how much he consumed. He had a simple vegetarian diet and often cooked his own food. So keep that in mind when you binge on junk food or spend a bomb on fondue or foie gras! Besides, if you eat right, you won't have weight issues and the associated health risks.

3. Don't Stress.

Gandhiji never took undue stress. He stayed calm and relaxed at all times. Often meditating to relieve tension. Sometimes even between critical meetings with world leaders, he used to take a break to play with children.

4. Think positive.

When negative thoughts enter your head, think of what Gandhiji once famously said: "A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes." So stay positive and all your troubles will feel much smaller.

5. See the good in people around you and try to help others.

When you see the good in others, you feel like helping them. They in turn then help others thereby creating a spiral of positive energy. Remember when you do good, you feel good.  

6. Forgive.

Anger and resentment are only going to hurt you more than the other. Learn to forgive and forget, because as Gandhiji said "An eye for an eye will make the whole world blind." Also you will feel good about yourself cos "The weak can never forgive. Forgiveness is the attribute of the strong."

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