Mind map of chapter 1 - crop production and management
i do not know any mind mapping but this might just help
when the same kind of plants are grown in the field on a large scale to obtain food like cereals etc.it is called a crop.
cropsof two types : 1.kharif crop 2.rabi crop
kharif crops are those which we grow in the monsoon season or rainy season.eg.paddy,maize
and rabi crops are those which are grown in winter season eg.wheat
the growing of plants or crops in the field for obtaining good like wheat,rice ect is called agriculture
basic practice of production;
preparation of soil
ploughing-turning and losing soil(tilling)
ploughing is done by using an implement called plough.
levelling-the ploughed soil is levelled by pressing it with a leveller so that the top soil is not blown away by wind or drained off by water.
manuring - manuring means adding of manure to the soil to increase fertility.
sowing - the process of putting seed in the ground soil for growing crop plants is called sowing
the sowing by hand is called broadcasting.
traditionally method of irrigation:
chain pump
modern method of irrigation:
sprinkler system
drip irrigation
manure -a natural substance obtained by decomposition of organic waste like cow dung,human waste etc.
Fertilizer-it is inorganic substance prepared in factories
weeding - the unwanted plants which grow along with the cultivated crops are called weeds
Thresing -the process of beating the grain from the harvested crop is called thresing .it is done to take out the grain from the its outer covering called chaff .