mind map on lesson This is jody's fawn
pls search for the summary on Google and answer me pls
At first Penny was in a dilemma. Jody argued that raising the fawn would not be a burden. Fawn could drink Jody’s milk until he started eating leaves and acorns. Jody also said that his family was responsible for the fawn’s plight. Penny agreed that it would be ungrateful to leave the fawn to starve. So he gave Jody his permission. He asked him to tell his mother about it before going to bring the fawn in.
Jody Talks to His Mother
Jody came to the table and sat down very quietly. The mother was pouring coffee in the cups. She was taken aback when Jody talked of bringing the fawn home. Seeing the mother reluctant, Jody told what his father had said. He said that Penny had said it would be ungrateful to leave the fawn to starve.
Dr. Wilson and Mill-wheel Help Jody
Explanation:e various biotic components of environment. How are they interrelated?
4. What is a food chain? How are plants and animals related in a food chain?
5. How is soil formed?
7. Mention the importance of ozone layer in the atmosphere.
8. How is balance of carbon dioxide and oxygen maintained in nature?
his is Jody’s Fawn Summary In English
Jody’s father Penny was bitten by a rattle-snake. He quickly killed a doe. Then he used the doe’s heart and liver to draw out the poison. Jody saw that the doe’s baby, a little fawn, was left alone.
Jody Talks to Penny
The thought of fawn kept on haunting Jody’s mind. He quietly went to his father’s bed-side. He asked him how he was feeling. Then he asked him to think about the fawn. He asked him to permit him to bring the fawn home. Jody wanted to raise him.