Minorities can have own schools and colleges it is a value or priniple?
Identify the political principle which is in application in each of the following statement/situations.
(i) I should be able to decide which subjects I want to study in school.
(ii) The practice of untouchability has been abolished.
(iii) All Indians are equal before law.
(d) Minorities can have their own schools and colleges.
(e) Foreigners who are visiting India cannot vote in Indian elections.
(f) There should be no censorship of media or fitness.
(g) Students should be consulted while planning the annual day function.
(h) Everyone must join the Republic Day Celebration.
Identification of political principle:
(a) Principle of freedom
(b) Principle of equality
(c) Political principle of equaltiy
(d) Educational and Cultural Rights
(e) Principle of participation
(f) Freedom of expression
(g) Principle of Swaraj
(h) Fundamental duty