Mohan took Rs 1000 rupees from Sachin and Rs 500 rupees from Prithviraj.
Understood till here
Now, He went to market and choose a t-shirt of Rs 300. The shopkeeper told him give me Rs 300. He told yes I have money I will give you but when he take his hand in his pocket is show that his 1000 Rs is missing so he give 500 to shopkeeper and took Rs 200 and came back home then he thought that I have taken carry money from my friends so I should give them so he called their friends and give them Rs 200 means half to Sachin and half to Prithviraj.
Sachin =Rs 100. And. Prithviraj=Rs100
=Rs1000-Rs100. =Rs500-Rs100
=Rs900. =Rs400
And the cost of T-shirt =300
He took only Rs1500 from friends so now how is it comingRs 1600
Please answer these if you are genius then only you can solve it
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He should give them 1300 Rs more but spent 300 .We can not add the 2 amounts
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