molecular formula of water is H2O oil is control structure and line structure for this triatomic molecule you start for given electron of oxygen atom and cross for electrons of hydrogen atoms
Water is a tiny bent molecule with the molecular formula H2O, consisting of two light hydrogen atoms attached to each 16-fold heavier oxygen atom. Each molecule is electrically neutral but polar, with the center of positive and negative charges located in different places. Each hydrogen atom has a nucleus consisting of a single positively-charged proton surrounded by a 'cloud' of a single negatively-charged electron and the oxygen atom has a nucleus consisting of eight positively-charged protons and eight uncharged neutrons surrounded by a 'cloud' of eight negatively-charged electrons. On forming the molecule, the ten electrons pair up into five 'orbitals', one pair closely associated with the oxygen atom, two pairs associated with the oxygen atom as 'outer' electrons and two pairs forming each of the two identical O-H covalent bonds.
H2O is the chemical formula of water. It means that each molecule of water is made up of two hydrogen atoms, indicated by the letter H, and a single oxygen atom, represented by the letter O. Water is chemical substance with no smell, taste or color.