English, asked by aagazmirzamirza318, 2 months ago

money canot salution for evryting.​


Answered by Anonymous

Money is like grease or fire. It can get things moving more quickly and easily or can ignite action that previously was stagnating. The Gates Foundation is clearly an example of this grease/fire concept.

Money by itself is like potential energy. If I take a large rock and lift it to the top of a 10 story building and set it down there, it has more potential energy (to get some work done) than when on the ground.

I can use this potential in many ways of course, and that potential is really important. Why? Because the highest form of society (and human life) is to sacrifice now for a potential benefit later. Parents have children and sacrifice for them to become “more” than the parents were at that same age. This is human progress and deeply embedded in each of us (or should be).

If we choose to spend money like a fish breathes water, on non-assets (those that have little worth after the expenditure, cannot generate a further benefit (or immediately expended items like food or entertainment), then we regress ourselves and society rather than progress them.

So money is a store of wealth (sacrificed because it wasn’t immediately expended on items with no long term value) but was accumulated (like that rock on the 10th floor) for what it can do later…maybe in a much more “long-term-beneficial” way.

Since, money can be expended more universally than bartering, it has a liquidity to it letting it be used in an near infinite number of ways and “right then” when the exchange is desired. But IMO, the greatest benefit is sacrificing “frivolous ego expenditures” now and setting it aside for a well considered long term use later.

But to balance that, distributing unearned wealth is often a poor choice since it is valued for what it is “free” and like most lottery winnings, gone nearly as fast as they arrived often leaving the “winner” and long term loser.

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