moral stories with out lines
as they give it, improving the form where necessary,
and drawing attention to technical features, e.g., title,
margins, indention, capitals, periods, etc. When the
story is completed, it may be used immediately as a
reading lesson and a transcription exercise. Later, it
may be used for a dictation exercise, and still later it
may be written from memory.
3. Written Reproduction.
(1) Tell the story; have it reproduced orally
(sometimes, but not necessarily always); and have
pupils give paragraph headings.
(2) Then require pupils to write the story. When
the work is completed, have them read their pro-
ductions silently several times, correcting all the errors
they find, and improving the form as far as possible.
The habit of self-criticism should be cultivated from
the beginning. A corrected copy should be handed to
the teacher for criticism and valuation. Later, a class
criticism may be conducted, using some of the com-
positions as a basis.
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