More employment opportunities in rural areas
Rural areas are the backbone of Indian economy. India, primarily an agricultural country, depends more on farm produce to boost its status in the world economy. However, the employment opportunities in the rural areas still remain poor.
Some ways to create employment opportunities in rural areas are:
1. Agricultural sector:
Construction of various means of irrigation like dams, canals etc., generates employment in the agricultural sector.
2. Transport and other services:
Construction of roads and railways generates employment opportunities. If there is development in roadways, the rural farmers can also transport their produce to other villages, thus facilitating the job opportunities to those involved in transport and trade.
3. Promotion of industries:
Identification of industries in semi-rural areas can create employment opportunities for local people. Right from the skilled to unskilled labourers, these small-scale industries may act as a boon. For example, dal-mill can be set up in places where farmers grow lentils like a chickpea. These mills help in the purchase and process of these chickpeas and sell it in the cities.
4. Education sector:
The opening of schools in rural areas can promote employment opportunities by appointing teachers, headmaster and office staff. This, in turn, helps in the literacy rate also.
5. Tourism:
Now, villages are also becoming a picnic spot for many. Promoting tourist activities not only encourage job opportunities for educated rural youth like tourist guide but also increases the income of the region.