Mr. X andY are having discussion. Mr. X fells that business is based on selfish desire to gain higher profits while Mr. Y thinks that profit is essential for a business. Can you support Mr. Y case by giving strong points in his favour
Mr. X and Y are having discussion. Mr. X fells that business is based on selfish desire to gain higher profits while Mr. Y thinks that profit is essential for a business. Can you support Mr. Y case by giving strong points in his favor
Profit is essential to an entrepreneur since he is the one taking risks to venture into a business. The entrepreneur has to be adequately compensated for the risk he is taking.
Profit also enable a business to grow and to expand. An entrepreneur engages in a certain venture without being completely sure whether he will succeed or not.In the case above, Mr. Y is justified to demand and adequate compensation in form of profit.
Profit is essential to an entrepreneur since he is the one taking risks to venture into a business. The entrepreneur has to be adequately compensated for the risk he is taking.
Profit also enable a business to grow and to expand. An entrepreneur engages in a certain venture without being completely sure whether he will succeed or not.In the case above, Mr. Y is justified to demand and adequate compensation in form of profit.