Computer Science, asked by nikhilagajula2000, 1 year ago

MTLAB Progrm
8: Consider Example 2.5, the stirred-tank heater example. Read and work through the
example. Use the following parameters and steady-state values:
Fs = 1 ft3/min rcp = 61.3 Btu/(°F · ft3) rjcpj = 61.3 Btu/(°F · ft3)
Tis = 50°F Ts = 125°F V = 10 ft3
Tjis = 200°F Tjs = 150°F Vj = 2.5 ft3
By solving the steady-state equations, verify that the following values obtained for
UA (overall heat transfer coefficient * area for heat transfer) and Fjs (steady-state
jacket flow rate) are correct:
a.By solving the steady-state equations, verify that the following values obtained for
UA (overall heat transfer coefficient * area for heat transfer) and Fjs (steady-state
jacket flow rate) are correct:
b. Find the values of the matrices in the state space model.
Write a function file, heater.m (example shown below), to be used with ode45
(Module 3) to solve the two nonlinear ordinary differential equations.
First, verify that the steady-state state variable values are correct by simulating
the process with no change in the jacket flow rate.
Now, perform simulations for small and large step changes in the jacket flow rate.
Use the MATLAB step command to solve for the linear state space model. Realize
that the step results are based on deviation variables and for a unit step change in
input one (jacket flow rate), and convert the linear states to physical variable


Answered by Anonymous


it's too long I am not able to answer

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