Computer Science, asked by abhijitgupta2, 1 year ago

mujhe ek snake game ki puri coding chahiye notepad pr banane ke liye,please help me.


Answered by prathamesh1855
here is JAVA
package com.zetcode; import java.awt.Color; import java.awt.Dimension; import java.awt.Font; import java.awt.FontMetrics; import java.awt.Graphics; import java.awt.Image; import java.awt.Toolkit; import java.awt.event.ActionEvent; import java.awt.event.ActionListener; import java.awt.event.KeyAdapter; import java.awt.event.KeyEvent; import javax.swing.ImageIcon; import javax.swing.JPanel; import javax.swing.Timer; public class Board extends JPanel implements ActionListener { private final int B_WIDTH = 300; private final int B_HEIGHT = 300; private final int DOT_SIZE = 10; private final int ALL_DOTS = 900; private final int RAND_POS = 29; private final int DELAY = 140; private final int x[] = new int[ALL_DOTS]; private final int y[] = new int[ALL_DOTS]; private int dots; private int apple_x; private int apple_y; private boolean leftDirection = false; private boolean rightDirection = true; private boolean upDirection = false; private boolean downDirection = false; private boolean inGame = true; private Timer timer; private Image ball; private Image apple; private Image head; public Board() { addKeyListener(new TAdapter()); setBackground(; setFocusable(true); setPreferredSize(new Dimension(B_WIDTH, B_HEIGHT)); loadImages(); initGame(); } private void loadImages() { ImageIcon iid = new ImageIcon("dot.png"); ball = iid.getImage(); ImageIcon iia = new ImageIcon("apple.png"); apple = iia.getImage(); ImageIcon iih = new ImageIcon("head.png"); head = iih.getImage(); } private void initGame() { dots = 3; for (int z = 0; z < dots; z++) { x[z] = 50 - z * 10; y[z] = 50; } locateApple(); timer = new Timer(DELAY, this); timer.start(); } @Override public void paintComponent(Graphics g) { super.paintComponent(g); doDrawing(g); } private void doDrawing(Graphics g) { if (inGame) { g.drawImage(apple, apple_x, apple_y, this); for (int z = 0; z < dots; z++) { if (z == 0) { g.drawImage(head, x[z], y[z], this); } else { g.drawImage(ball, x[z], y[z], this); } } Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().sync(); } else { gameOver(g); } } private void gameOver(Graphics g) { String msg = "Game Over"; Font small = new Font("Helvetica", Font.BOLD, 14); FontMetrics metr = getFontMetrics(small); g.setColor(Color.white); g.setFont(small); g.drawString(msg, (B_WIDTH - metr.stringWidth(msg)) / 2, B_HEIGHT / 2); } private void checkApple() { if ((x[0] == apple_x) && (y[0] == apple_y)) { dots++; locateApple(); } } private void move() { for (int z = dots; z > 0; z--) { x[z] = x[(z - 1)]; y[z] = y[(z - 1)]; } if (leftDirection) { x[0] -= DOT_SIZE; } if (rightDirection) { x[0] += DOT_SIZE; } if (upDirection) { y[0] -= DOT_SIZE; } if (downDirection) { y[0] += DOT_SIZE; } } private void checkCollision() { for (int z = dots; z > 0; z--) { if ((z > 4) && (x[0] == x[z]) && (y[0] == y[z])) { inGame = false; } } if (y[0] >= B_HEIGHT) { inGame = false; } if (y[0] < 0) { inGame = false; } if (x[0] >= B_WIDTH) { inGame = false; } if (x[0] < 0) { inGame = false; } if(!inGame) { timer.stop(); } } private void locateApple() { int r = (int) (Math.random() * RAND_POS); apple_x = ((r * DOT_SIZE)); r = (int) (Math.random() * RAND_POS); apple_y = ((r * DOT_SIZE)); } @Override public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { if (inGame) { checkApple(); checkCollision(); move(); } repaint(); } private class TAdapter extends KeyAdapter { @Override public void keyPressed(KeyEvent e) { int key = e.getKeyCode(); if ((key == KeyEvent.VK_LEFT) && (!rightDirection)) { leftDirection = true; upDirection = false; downDirection = false; } if ((key == KeyEvent.VK_RIGHT) && (!leftDirection)) { rightDirection = true; upDirection = false; downDirection = false; } if ((key == KeyEvent.VK_UP) && (!downDirection)) { upDirection = true; rightDirection = false; leftDirection = false; } if ((key == KeyEvent.VK_DOWN) && (!upDirection)) { downDirection = true; rightDirection = false; leftDirection = false; } } } }

prathamesh1855: Yes
prathamesh1855:  last thing I need to show you how to do is to save your file. Once you are all done, click the "file" button at the top of the screen, then click on "Save As." This will display a window where you can then create a name for you game and save it wherever you would like. However, you need to make sure that you save it as a Batch (.bat) file and not as a regular text file (.txt)
prathamesh1855: save as a .bat not .txt remember
Answered by Anonymous

if "%~1" == "startGame" goto :game
if "%~1" == "startController" goto :controller

:: setup some global variables used by both the game and the controller

exit /b 0

title %~nx0

:: Playfield size
:: max playing field: (width-2)*(height-2) <= 1365

set "width=40" max=99
set "height=25" max=99

:: resize the console window

set /a cols=width+1, lines=height+10, area=(width-2)*(height-2)
if %area% gtr 1365 (
echo ERROR: Playfield area too large
%sendCmd% quit
if %lines% lss 14 set lines=14
if %cols% lss 46 set cols=46
mode con: cols=%cols% lines=%lines%

:: define variables

set "configOptions=diffCode difficulty growth moveKeys up down left right"
set "configOptionCnt=9"

set "moveKeys=4"

set "up=W"
set "down=S"
set "left=A"
set "right=D"
set "pause=P"

set "space= "
set "bound=#"
set "food=+"
set "head=@"
set "body=O"
set "death=X"

set "growth=1"

:: draw
::: draws the board
set draw=%

set screen

for /l %%Y in (0,1,%height%) do set screen=!

set screen=!screen!Speed = !Difficulty! !replay!!LF!Growth Rate = !growth! HighScore = !hi!!LF!Score = !score! Time = !m!:!s!%\n%
if defined

replay if not defined replayFinished (%\n%
set screen=!screen!!LF!!LF!Press a key to abort the replay


:: test X Y ValueListVar
::: tests if

value at coordinates X,Y is within contents of ValueListVar
set test

for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 (for /f "tokens=1-3" %%1 in ("

!args!") do (%\n%
for %%A in ("!line%%2:~%%1,1!") do if "!%%3:%%~A=!" neq "!%%3!" %clrErr% else %setErr%%\n%
)) else set args=

:: plot X Y ValueVar
::: places contents of ValueVar at coordinates X,Y

for %%# in (1 2) do if %%#==2 (for /f "tokens=1-3" %%1 in (

"!args!") do (%\n%
set "part2=!line%%2:~%%1!"%\n%
set "line

)) else set args=

:: start the game
setlocal enableDelayedExpansion
if not exist "%saveLoc%\" md "%saveLoc%"
set "

replay= Aborting... "
set "replayAvailable="

call :mainMenu

:: main loop (infinite loop)
for /l %%. in () do (



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