Murlee received initial coaching for the expedition in
Murlee received initial coaching for the expedition in
Participants will discover coaching as a powerful leadership tool – and walk away with the skills to apply the coach approach in the workplace immediately. The program provides conversation frameworks for communicating with others designed to engage, empower, and inspire forward action with people at all levels in the ever-increasing complex and changing world.
The program is highly interactive and participants apply their new knowledge in action, developing and enhancing their coaching, communication, and feedback skills. The program incorporates current research and best practices in neuroscience, emotional intelligence, positive psychology and appreciative inquiry. The content methodology is blended with practical and insightful exercises, models, and processes designed to fast-track learning and engagement.
The program incorporates powerful video examples to enhance the learning to the next level, creating an experience and teaching point for participants. The video scenarios demonstrate leaders and staff, as they work through the challenges of a major workplace change and restructuring. Each scenario demonstrates significant change and transition within the workplace.