English, asked by Gopal8404, 1 year ago

My city my pride essay


Answered by Jeniyaa
Our city has long standing history. It played a significant role
during the regimes of many rulers and many others. The prominence of our city
can also be viewed during times of Independence struggle. After Independence,
gradually it became a major hub of Education, Health, Culture, Trade and
Economy and emerged as urban agglomerated city. Now with God‟s blessings,
Political Will, Strong Administrative competency and recognising its
geopolitical importance it is selected for “Smart City Mission”, which the new
government initiated and thus we got chance to make Our Dream City into
Reality. Though empowering local government and transforming the city under
this is a welcoming step but it has its own challenges associated with in
reaching people‟s aspirations and expectations. The first and foremost problem
is the non-availability of universally accepted definition of a smart city. It
means different things to different people. The conceptualisation of Smart City,
therefore, varies from city to city and country to country, depending on the level
of development, willingness to change and reform, resources and aspirations of
the city residents. But the core objective of any smart city is to promote cities
that provide core infrastructure and give a decent quality of life to its citizens, a
clean and sustainable environment and application of „Smart‟ Solutions to
different kinds of problems. To provide for the aspirations and needs of the
citizens, the major aim of planners should be developing the entire urban ecosystem, which is represented by the four pillars of comprehensive developmentinstitutional, physical, social and economic infrastructure. Also the policy
formulation should move from one shoe fit all approach to decentralisation and
one stop solution for all problems and grievances.
Answered by DiyaTsl


                              MY CITY MY PRIDE

Our city has a long history. It has played a significant role during the regimes of many rulers and many others. The role of our city is also evident in times of the struggle for independence. After independence,  gradually became an important axis of education, health, culture, trade, and economy and developed into an agglomerated city. Now, with the blessing of God, Political Will, strong administrative competition, and recognition of its geopolitical importance, are selected for the “Smart City Mission” initiated by the new government and hence we have the opportunity to do from Our Dream city on reality. While local government is strengthened and the city transformed, it's a welcome move, but one that comes with its own set of challenges in meeting people's aspirations and expectations. The first and most important problem is the unavailability of a commonly accepted definition of a smart city. It means different things to different people. The conceptualization of a Smart City, therefore, varies from city to city and country to country, depending on the level of development, willingness to change and reform, resources, and ambitions of the city's residents. But the main goal of any smart city is to promote cities that provide basic infrastructure and offer their citizens a decent quality of life, a  clean and sustainable environment, and the application of “smart” solutions to different types of problems. To meet the desires and needs of the citizens, the main goal of the planners must be the development of the entire urban ecosystem,  represented by the four pillars of comprehensive development: institutional, physical, social, and economic infrastructure.  In addition, policymaking must move from a unified approach to decentralization and a unified resolution of problems and grievances.


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