Art, asked by shraddharashmi11, 10 hours ago

my father and mother were not good couples they used to fight .because he did not like my mother he told that you are shabby
one day my father left the house.
my mother is a very good person
my father came back yesterday
he has gone to the v work center now
he had sudennly messaged my mother
hi! sorry for what happend and chatted for a while. he said everything is gonna be alright and he loves my mother
is he speaking the truth??


Answered by sandhyachauahan


yes because you should trust him at 1 time we should give him a chance

Answered by kanhay618


mc hvwuswg gvsjjabwu uc eu ha ha ha jddfe if w sgeygsey uc wyesgscgwshhdvehshjsjwjsjd uh bz gg hsjsdhsgebebzjjajhdevuzbsjaihsvebsjiabeudhvswhdvhsffg gas de dgghhi mum

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