English, asked by abhishekdas2724, 11 months ago

My friend has invited me to spend the next puja vacation with him at his country home. my father is not at his. My mother is in poor health.i can't leave her alone at home. Write a letter in reply within 100words, stating my friend about my inability to accept his invitation.


Answered by eeshavarmab


Block style:

(address of the receiver)

(address of the sender)


Ex. Dearest Jacob

(body of the letter)

>you must begin your letter with a greetings like, good day to you? how are you? you must first have a little conversation before asking him/her How`s his/her puja vacation. after a little conversation, tell hi/her intention why you send her/him a letter. and tel him/her your experience also in your vacation or in your life this past few days. In your ending paragraph, say to your friend that you miss him/her, wish that you can

spend your vacation together or i cant wait to see you again:) have your ending part.



Your dearest friend,



Dear friend ABC ,

I hope you are well by the grace of the Almighty. I am well too. Please convey my regards to your parents. It’s been long since I received your last letter. So I have thought of writing this letter.

The Puja holidays are finally going to start. It would start on 20th October and will end on 24th October. I always remember the summer holidays that we spent together. When I think of those days, I feel something that words can't describe. I really miss you and those days. I am very excited to have fun this time,no matter what, I want to make these four days memorable too. I would like to invite you to durga puja at my home for these holidays. I would be pleased to have you at my place during these days.

We shall have lots of fun together .My anxiety is going to peaks that I can't wait to have a blast, also I made a plan how we are going to enjoy. I will write in short. On the day of “Saptami”, we can go out along with my close friends to visit the decorated Puja pendals across the town. We can have delicacies at various restaurants. The next day, we will go out for an outing along the banks of Brahmaputra. On the next day, we shall go for some shopping at big shopping malls. On the day of “Dasami”, we will follow the vehicles carrying idols upto the place of submersion of Devi Durga. Some other events do exist that I want to make it a surprise for you. We will have a great time these days. So it is a great pleasure if you come too. I'll wait for your response and I hope you could come.

Hope the best comes your way.

Yours friendly,


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