My grandparents descriptive composition
When I was younger my family moved houses a lot. I never really had a place where I grew up as a child. We moved houses a lot i didn’t really get to have my height on the walls and get to paint my room my own way. However there was one place that never really changed and that was my grandparents house. There house was like my second home I would be over there almost every evening and every weekend. It was my home away from home. I had an area where all of my clothes were so when I slept over it made it easier. I actually lived there for a small amount of time. That house held so many memories for me. I spent so many birthdays and holidays there.
She would put enough syrup so it would spill over the edges and a cold glass of milk. She always made my pancakes just the way I liked them. They would be crispy on the edges and and soft in the center. After that we would spend the day together