English, asked by inshajauhari919, 1 year ago

my mother my role model essay


Answered by Nandita3040

Many of us have role models in our lives and to most people role models are athletes and movie stars, but to me a role model is much more. To me a role model is a person who has positively influenced someone in life, and is not a person filled with selfishness and greed. They help shape someone’s personality, and characteristics. They are people who someone can look up to for advice in a hard situation, and know that they will give those words of wisdom. They will never judge our past actions, instead only look to help because they really care. A role model is someone who we should never feel awkward talking to about our problems. A perfect role model for me is my mother. She is a wonderful human being. She’s smart, wise, ambitious, …show more content… 

For example, when I graduated from high school I knew I wanted to go to college, and I liked so many things that I could not figure it out by myself. What do I want to study and what would I love to do for the rest of my life. Guess who was there for me? Who was there to help me? Of course my mom, and for that I admire her. 
My mother is a wise, smart and educated person, she has two masters degree and for me she’s an example of what intelligent person should be like. Sometimes she comes home tired from work, and she still makes time for her family. She makes sure that we have done our homework and is always making sure we have everything that we need. I learned from my mother that if I work hard, I will get what I want. She always advised me and my sister to go to school so that we may become professionals. She always reminds us about the importance of education and knowledge. She always said “you will not get anywhere without hard work”. For example, when I was five years old my mom showed me a person who was cleaning streets, and a person who was rich. She said if you want to clean streets you don’t have to go to school, but if you want to be successful and have money go to school and work hard. She has shown me to stand on my own two feet and not be dependent of anyone for the success or failure in my life.

please mark it as brainliest

inshajauhari919: thnx
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