India Languages, asked by athelene8188, 1 year ago

निम्न श्लोकं पठित्वा तदाधारितान् प्रश्नान् उत्तरत-(निम्नलिखित श्लोक को पढ़कर उस पर आधारित प्रश्नों के उत्तर दीजिए-)
निवसामि समस्ते संसारे, मन्ये च कुटुम्बं वसुन्धराम्।।
प्रेयः श्रेयः च चिनोम्युभ्यं, सुविवेका भारतजनताऽहम्॥
एकपदेन उत्तरत-(एक में उत्तर दीजिए)
(i) भारतस्य जगता कुत्र निवसति?
(ii) भारतजनता कीदृशी अस्ति?


Answered by bhushand2005


(i) समस्ते संसारे|

(ii) प्रेयः श्रेयः च चिनोम्युभ्यं, सुविवेका|

Answered by Hitlerdidi


Alternative Title: time inversion. Time reversal, in physics, mathematical operation of replacing the expression for time with its negative in formulas or equations so that they describe an event in which time runs backward or all the motions are reversed.

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