name all fundamental rights given by the constitution of India and explain how right to freedom is cluster of rights?
The right to freedom is a cluster of many freedoms like Freedom of speech and expression, which enable an individual to participate in public activities.
Freedom to assemble peacefully without arms, on which the State can impose reasonable restrictions.
Freedom to form associations or unions on which the State can impose reasonable restrictions.
Freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India though reasonable restrictions. For example, restrictions may be imposed on movement and travelling, so as to control epidemics.
The right to freedom is a cluster of many freedoms like
Freedom of speech and expression, which enable an individual to participate in public activities.
Freedom to assemble peacefully without arms, on which the State can impose reasonable restrictions.
Freedom to form associations or unions on which the State can impose reasonable restrictions.
Freedom to move freely throughout the territory of India though reasonable restrictions. For example, restrictions may be imposed on movement and travelling, so as to control epidemics.
Freedom to reside and settle in any part of the territory of India which is also subject to reasonable restrictions to safeguard or protect indigenous and tribal peoples from exploitation and coercion.
Freedom to practice any profession or to carry on any occupation, trade or business on which the State may impose reasonable restrictions for example there is no right to carry on a business which is dangerous or immoral.