Name all the nouns
The Capseller and the Monkoys or The Wise Cnpseller Long ago, in the village of Tuirunellai, lhere was an ald capseller. He used to carry n basket full of caps to market every day, and retum home in the ovening with tho procceds of the sule. Ho made a good living in this way. Ono summan mmoming, as usual, ho was going to market in the naiglibouring town, with a basket of caps for sale. As tho sun was ahining hot, tho old man fell tired Ho dooided to tako an hour's rest in the cool ahado of a wayeldo tree. Placing tho basket of caps by hin alde, he lay down to rulox himself. Tired very auch, ho sank into deep sleep. Time passed, and ho woke up only.much later than expected. He made hury to prooced to the market. What did he now sce? The basket was ampty. Ho surpocted that somo misohiovous boys might havo taken awny the caps to play a pmotical Joko on him He looked around, but could not sec the culprits. Suddenly his altantion was aftmoted by a troop of jibbering monkcys on tho bmnches of tho treo. And what also7 Ench monkay had a cap on his head. How did thoy know that caps wero to bo ured in thhat hahion? They wero anly tmitating the capsellerwho hnd himselfa cap on bis head. Now the wise ald man thought how to roover his caps. An Idea struck him. Ho took ofT his cap and Qung it down to the ground. Wlhen ho repeatfed this action twvico or thnce, tho monkoys got inspired. Everyono of them imitated the old man. Naw the lost caps fell down ane by ane. Tho capseller picked tham up. His basket once again full, lhe rejolced greatly and resumed his way to matket
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