Name and explain the technique that helps in the separation of DNA fragments for DNA recombinant technology experiments. How can these separated DNA fragments be visualised ?
Agarose gel electrophoresis is method is used to separate DNA fragments.The DNA being negatively charged,can be separate by move towards anode.The DNA fragments resolve according to their size . Smaller the fragments size great serving property.Agraose is natural polymer from sea weed. DNA fragments can be visualised by staining with ethidium bromide and exposures to UV light. DNA fragments is seen as orange band.
Agarose gel electrophoresis is method is used to separate DNA fragments. The DNA is negatively charged can be separate by the move towards the anode. The DNA fragments resolve according to their size. Smaller the fragments size great serving property. Agraose is a natural polymer from seaweed. DNA fragments can be visualised by staining with ethidium bromide and exposures to UV light. DNA fragments are seen as an
orange band.