name any 10 activities done using solar energy
Solar Water Heating:
Solar Heating of Buildings:
Solar Drying of Agricultural and Animal Products:
Solar Furnaces:
Solar Cooking:
Solar Electric Power Generation:
Concentrating Solar Power.
Some of the major application of solar energy are as follows: (1) Solar water heating (2) Solar heating of buildings (3) Solar distillation (4) Solar pumping (5) Solar drying of agricultural and animal products (6) Solar furnaces (7) Solar cooking (8) Solar electric power generation (9) Solar thermal power production (10) Solar green houses.
(1) Solar Water Heating:
A solar water heating unit comprises a blackened flat plate metal collector with an associated metal tubing facing the general direction of the sun. The plate collector has a transparent glass cover above and a layer of thermal insulation beneath it.
The metal tubing of the collector is connected by a pipe to an insulated tank that stores hot water during cloudy days. The collector absorbs solar radiations and transfers the heat to the water circulating through the tubing either by gravity or by a pump.
(2) Solar Heating of Buildings:
Solar energy can be used for space heating of buildings in many ways namely:
(a) Collecting the solar radiation by some element of the building itself i.e. solar energy is admitted directly into the building through large South-facing windows.
(b) Using separate solar collectors which may heat either water or air or storage devices which can accumulate the collected solar energy for use at night and during inclement days.
(3) Solar-pumping:
In solar pumping, the power generated by solar-energy is utilized for pumping water for irrigation purposes. The requirement for water pumping is greatest in the hot summer months which coincide with the increased solar radiations during this period and so this method is most appropriate for irrigation purpose.
(4) Solar-distillation:
In solar pumping, the power generated by solar-energy is utilized for pumping water for irrigation purposes. The requirement for water pumping is greatest in the hot summer months which coincide with the increased solar radiations during this period and so this method is most appropriate for irrigation purpose. During periods of inclement weather when solar radiations are low then the requirement for water pumping is also relatively less as the transpiration losses from the crops are also low.
(5) Solar Drying of Agricultural and Animal Products:
This is a traditional method of utilising solar energy for drying of agricultural and animal products. Agricultural products are dried in a simple cabinet dryer which consists of a box insulated at the base, painted black on the inner side and covered with an inclined transparent sheet of glass.
(6) Solar Furnaces:
In a Solar furnace, high temperature is obtained by concentrating the solar radiations onto a specimen using a number of heliostats (turn-able mirrors) arranged on a sloping surface. The solar furnace is used for studying the properties of ceramics at extremely high temperatures above the range measurable in laboratories with flames and electric currents.
(7) Solar Cooking:
A variety of fuel like coal, kerosene, cooking gas, firewood, dung cakes and agricultural wastes are used for cooking purposes. Due to the energy crisis, supply of these fuels are either deteriorating (wood, coal, kerosene, cooking gas) or are too precious to be wasted for cooking purposes (cow dung can be better used as manure for improving soil fertility).
(8) Solar Electric Power Generation:
Electric energy or electricity can be produced directly from solar energy by means of photovoltaic cells. The photovoltaic cell is an energy conversion device which is used to convert photons of sunlight directly into electricity. It is made of semi conductors which absorb the photons received from the sun, creating free electrons with high energies.
(9) Solar Thermal Power Production:
Solar thermal power production means the conversion of solar energy into electricity through thermal energy. In this procedure, solar energy is first utilised to heat up a working fluid, gas, water or any other volatile liquid. This heat energy is then converted into mechanical energy m a turbine. Finally a conventional generator coupled to a turbine converts this mechanical energy into electrical energy.
(10) Solar Green Houses:
A green house is a structure covered with transparent material (glass or plastic) that acts as a solar collector and utilises solar radiant energy to grow plants. It has heating, cooling and ventilating devices for controlling the temperature inside the green house.
Hope it was helpful for you