Name any five orders of Mammalia, Give one characteristic feature and one example of each.
Families in this order are the Equidae (horses, donkeys, zebras), the Tapiridae (tapirs), and the Rhinocerotidae (rhinoceroses). Family Manidae (pangolins) is the sole family in this order. In the fin-footed order there are Otariidae (eared seals, sea lions), Odobenidae (walruses), and Phocidae (earless seals)
The Class Mammalia has about 21 Orders of which the five commonly known/prominent ones are
1. Insectivora
2. Carnivora
3. Rodentia
4. Chiroptera
5. Artiodactyla
The Class Mammalia is placed under
Kingdom – Animalia
Phylum – Chordata
Subphylum – Vertebrata
1. Insectivora - Insect-eaters (eg. shrews)
2. Carnivora - Meat-eaters (eg. lion)
3. Rodentia – Arboreal mammals with a pair of ever-growing incisor teeth in both the jaws. (eg. Rats)
4. Chiroptera – Flying mammals with their forelimbs adapted to fly (eg. bats) 5. Artiodactyla – Hoofed, ruminating animals with even number of toes. (eg. cattle)