Name at least 3 other programs and their purposes?
The New Deal was an amalgam of dozens of programs and agencies created by the Roosevelt Administration and the Congress.
Some came into being by law, some by executive order; some are well known, some are not; some changed names or were amended in mid-course; some lasted only a few years, some still exist. It can be confusing, and we hope that this list can help sort things out. The list of programs is as complete as you will find anywhere.
For each New Deal program, there is a summary of the law, agency, goals and achievements, as well as key actors and legacies. These are based heavily on primary sources (which are cited) and are as accurate as possible.
Economic Stimulus & Stabilization
Reconstruction Finance Corporation (1932)
Created during the Hoover Administration, expanded by FDR.
Helped finance public works, industry, and national defense activities.
National Industrial Recovery Act (1933)
Created National Recovery Administration (NRA).
Legalized industry collaboration for price controls and collective bargaining for labor.
Agricultural Adjustment Act (1933, Reauthorized 1938)
Created Agricultural Adjustment Administration (AAA).
Introduced measures to reduce crop supply, stabilize prices and support farm incomes.
Income and Wealth Taxes (1934-1941)
Greater emphasis on progressive taxation and taxation on wealth; consistent revenue increases achieved.
U.S. Travel Bureau (1937)
Helped increase recreational travel & tourism within the United States.
Bank Stabilization & Financial Reform
Emergency Banking Relief Act (1933)
Gave the president emergency powers over the US banking system, under which he called a ‘bank holiday’ to allow evaluation of all banks and closure of insolvent ones.
Glass-Steagall Banking Act (1933)
Created Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation to insure personal bank accounts
Separated commercial from investment banking – The ‘Firewall.’
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) (1933)
Insured bank deposits against bank failure, up to a certain level.
Securities Act (1933) & Securities Exchange Act (1934)
Created Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
Allowed federal regulation of stock trading in public corporations.
Gold Reserve Act (1934)
Called in all private gold and created a government hoard (Fort Knox).
Bankruptcy Reform (1934-1938)
Protected farms from creditor repossession; aided distressed cities and towns; reformed business bankruptcies; created more personal bankruptcy options.
Banking Act (1935)
Restructured and centralized the Federal Reserve Bank.
Public Utility Holding Company Act (1935)
Protected consumers from certain rate increases, and also from high-risk speculation activities.