name four basic measurement in our daily life.
People use units of measure so frequently in daily life that they hardly think about what they are doing. A motorist goes to the gas station and pumps 13 gallons (a measure of volume) into an automobile. To pay for the gas, the motorist uses dollars—another unit of measure, economic rather than scientific—in the form of paper money, a debit card, or a credit card.
This is simple enough. But what if the motorist did not know how much gas was in a gallon, or if the motorist had some idea of a gallon that differed from what the gas station management determined it to be? And what if the value of a dollar were not established, such that the motorist and the gas station attendant had to haggle over the cost of the gasoline just purchased? The result would be a horribly confused situation: the motorist might run out of gas, or money, or both, and if such confusion were multiplied by millions of motorists and millions of gas stations, society would be on the verge of breakdown.
four basic measurement in our daily life are:
- Covering distance from home to your workplace and back.
- Working out amount of paint required for painting your home.
- Filling petrol in your vehicle.
- Working out harvest brought in at the end of day's work in case you are a farmer.
- Calculating calories you have burnt during day as per doctor's advice to remain healthy..... HOPE IT HELPS : )