Name of Hardest elements in Periodic table??
➡️Hardest element in Periodic table is CARBON.
Hardest: Believe it or not, the hardest element of the periodic table is actually carbon (the stuff that makes up most of our bodies and all living things… and things like pencil leads or coal).
Carbon exists in different forms like graphite or graphene, but also it can be in the form of diamonds, and it’s actually as diamond that it becomes the strongest element in the periodic table. In nature diamonds are made when other types of carbon go through lots of pressure and really high temperatures… they turn from usually soft, black carbon into pretty diamonds! Carbon also has the highest melting point 3500+ degree celcius, even more than tungsten.
Resistant to aqua regia: We see that the element ruthenium has an interesting property that it is immune to hydrochloric acid and nitric acid. Even when combined to make the gold-dissolving acid "Aqua Regia" the element ruthenium is completely immune to it. So how do you dissolve ruthenium? Interestingly, ruthenium can be dissolved in a very simple household chemical: bleach!
Most stable: Well, the old schools shall go with Iron because of its high binding energy. But, studies reveal that Nickel-62 has the highest average binding energy of any nucleus.
On the other hand the most stable group of elements are the Noble gases, which form Group VIII of the periodic table. From the top, these are helium, neon, argon, krypton, xenon and radon. The elements at the top, helium, neon and argon are completely inert but the elements become radioactive at the bottom of the group. Radon is also inert but it can be harmful.
Other non-reactive elements include the metals we use for long-lasting jewelry ~ gold, silver and platinum. These metals are very nonreactive and do not tarnish or fade easily