Biology, asked by mukeshjha, 1 year ago

name the capillaries write the function performed by them


Answered by divya886

heyy mate!!!! here is ur answer

the cappilaries r responsible 4 facilitating the transport and exchange of gases , fluid and nutrients in the body .. while the arteries and artirioles act 2 transport there product 2 the cappileries , it is at the level of cappileries where excahanges tkes place . the cappileries also few 2 recieve CO2 and waste products that r then delivered 2 the kidney and liver(4 the waste) and the lungs (4 exhalation of CO2)

THERE r 4 primary types

*CONTINUOUS:these cappilaries hve no perforation and allow only small molecules 2 pass through . they r present in muscle , skin, fat and nerve tissue.

*FENESTRATED:these cappilaries hve small pores which allow samll molecules through and r located in the intestine .\, kidney and eendocrine glands

*SINUSOIDAL or DISCONTINUOS:these cappilaries hve large open large enough 2 allow a blood cell through . they r present in the bone marrow , lymph, the spleenand r in essence ,"the leakiest " of the cappilaries

*BLOOD -BRAINBARRIER:in the central nervous system the cappilaries make up wt is known as blood -barinbarrier. this barrier limits the ability of(and unfortunately, many chemotherapy agents)2 pass through the brain

hope it will help u if it is then plz mark mine answer as the brainliest one

mukeshjha: hy
mukeshjha: ky
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