name the direction of wind coming towards Brazil
The direction of wind blowing near Brazil is the north easterly trade winds.
Trade winds are existing surface wind patterns from the east towards the west (easterly) prevalent in the tropics, in the Earth’s atmosphere’s lower portion, in the troposphere’s lower part, adjacent to the Earth's equator.
The surface air which flows from the sub-tropical high-pressure belts towards the Equator is rebounded towards the west in northern/southern hemispheres by the Coriolis effect (fictitious or inertial force acting on moving objects inside a structure of reference which revolves with regard to an inertial structure) Winds blowing from the north-east (northern hemispheres) are termed as north-easterly trade winds.
Winds coming into Brazil are typically from the northern as well as eastern directions, though winds do blow from other directions too; however it does not occur often and they are small and rare when compared with the major north-easterly trade winds that blow into Brazil