Biology, asked by yashchauhan8238, 11 months ago

Name the endocrine gland that reason rates will teenage write its function


Answered by ranjithronaldo
adrenal gland, pituitary, pancreas, thyroid, testes
Answered by jayesh4942
The endocrine system is one of two systems that control and coordinate many functions to keep our bodies working in balance, called homeostasis. While our nervous system uses electrical impulses, the endocrine system uses chemicals called hormones. Hormones usually work more slowly than nerves, but can have longer lasting effects.

The endocrine system is made of 9 major glands located throughout our body. Together, these glands make dozens of chemical messengers called hormones and release them directly into the blood stream that surrounds the glands. Using chemicals, our endocrine system regulates a number of functions including our metabolic rate, growth rate, and how our body develops. Lab tests are used to diagnose and manage health conditions caused by imbalances in hormones and chemicals.

Contents [hide]

1 Endocrine Glands1.1 Hypothalamus1.2 Pineal Gland1.3 Pituitary gland1.4 Thyroid1.5 Parathyroid Gland1.6 Thymus1.7 Adrenal Glands1.8 Pancreas1.9 Ovaries1.10 Testes2 Hormones2.1 Luteininzing Hormone2.2 Prolactin2.3 Oxytocin2.4 Glucagon2.5 Reproductive Hormones2.6 Epinephrine2.7 Insulin3 Disorders of the Endocrine System

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