Science, asked by TbiaSamishta, 11 months ago

Name the following : 1. A plant pigment that absorbs sunlight. 2. Small openings on leaves. 3. Part of a plant where photosynthesis generally occurs. 4. A plant that eats insects is called as this . 5. The process by which plants and some bacteria use the energy from sun to produce carbohydrates. 6. The cells which form stomata. 7. The raw materials required for photosynthesis. 8. The gas released during photosynthesis. 9. The raw materials required for photosynthesis? 10. Name the elements of which carbohydrates are made up of? Fill in the blanks: 1. The entire process of taking in food and using it for growth and maintenance of the body by the living organisms is called------------ 2. The relationship in which the both the types of plants mutually gain from each other is called -------- 3. ------------is an association between a fungus and an algae. 4. During photosynthesis , plants obtain carbon di oxide from the atmosphere through-------------. 5. ------------plants grow in places with lot of rotting places. Ans the following:-1. What are nutrients ? Give examples.2. What is nutrition? Name the major modes of nutrition.3. Differentiate between autotrophs and heterotrophs.4. What is photosynthesis? Write equation for photosynthesis.5. Where are stomata located? Write two important functions performed by stomata.6. How are the minerals and water reach the leaves from the roots?7. How does chlorophyll help in the process of Photosynthesis?8. How do we test the presence of starch in the leaves?9. Draw and label a neat diagram of stomata.10.What are algae? Are they autotrophs?11. How do plants obtain nitrogen to synthesise proteins?12. What mode of nutrition is found in cuscuta and why?13. efine host and parasite?14. What are insectivorous plants? How do they obtain food?15. Name the white cottony growth that develops on the rotting bread.16. What is saprotrophic mode of nutrition?17. What is symbiosis? Illustrate. 18. Why do farmers add fertilizers to the soil?19. What is Rhizobium? Name four leguminous crops20. How are leguminous crops and Rhizobium related to each other?


Answered by Anonymous

1. chlorophyll in plants absorb sunlight. the main purpose of them is absorbing energy from sun which is used in the process of photosynthesis by plants.

2. small openings on leaf are stomata. they help in transpiration and also in gas exchange like carbondioxide and oxygen.

3. chloroplasts are leaf cells where photosynthesis generally occurs. this is because of the green pigment in chloroplast called chlorophyll.

4. insectivorous plants. we can clearly guess by it's name xD

5. photosynthesis is the process by which plants and bacteria use the energy from sun to produce carbohydrates.

6. epidermal cells like the guard cells form the stomata.

7. carbondioxide and water are the main raw materials required for the process of photosynthesis. sunlight is also necessary..

8. oxygen is released during photosynthesis through the tiny pores (stomata) basically during the daytime.

9. same as in 7th question.. co2 and water.

10. carbon, hydrogen and oxygen are the elements of carbohydrates.

carbo means carbon, hydrate refer to combination or hydrogen and oxygen.


1. nutrients are substance which are necessary for organism to grow. it also provides maintenance. examples - carbohydrates, fats, mineral, fibres, vitamins etc.

2. nutrition is the process of taking in food and using it for growth and maintenance of the body by the living organisms. modes of nutrition are :- heterotrophs, autotrophs. I don't know the third one.

3. autotrophs are those who can obtain their food in their own by some inorganic subtances. example - plants. whereas heterotrophs are those who don't prepare their own food. they depend on others. examples - animals.

4. photosynthesis is the process by which plants make their own food by taking in carbondioxide and release oxygen. it generally occurs in chloroplasts.

equation for photosynthesis - carbon dioxide + water ➡ glucose + oxygen + water

chemical formula - 6CO2 + 6H2O + energy ➡ C6H12O6 + 6O2

5. stomata are tiny pores present in the leaves. they help in transpiration and gas exchange.

6. minerals and water reach from roots to leaves of the plant by vessels. vessels are like pipes and form a continuous path between the parts of the plants.

7. chlorophyll in plants absorb sunlight. they are a green pigment found in chloroplasts. the main purpose of them is giving the plant a green color and absorbing energy from sun which is used in the process of photosynthesis by plants.

8. first boil leaf in hot water and then heat in alcohol. heating stops the chemical reactions and alcohol removes it's green color. after that spread the leaf on a surface and add few drops iodine solution. the blue-violet color indicates the presence of starch in it.

10. algae are photosynthetic eukaryotic organisms. basically they are aquatic. yes they are autotrophs but few are heterotrophs too.. majority is for autotrophs.

11. plants get nitrogen from soil Because of some nitrogen fixation bacteria present in soil called rhizobium. they fix nitrogen from atmosphere into soil.

12. parasitic mode of nutrition. cuscuta is a parasitic plant. rely on other organisms to get it's food and they usually weaken their body and also may kill their body.

13. parasites are organisms which depends on other body to get it's nutrients and food. host is they body on which parasites depend.

14. insectivorous are those plants which eats insect. they trap insects and they get the nutrients necessary for their growth.

15. it's a type of mold. rhizopus stolonifer is one of them which grows on bread and basically whittish but turn black after few days.

16. saprotrophic mode of nutrition is a type of mode where organisms obtain nutrients from dead and decaying Matter. examples - fungi.

17. symbiosis is a close relationship between two or more organisms for their own advantage. they all rely on each other and at least one will get benefit.

18. farmers add fertilizer to soil to increase it's fertility. fertilizers have some nutrients like potassium which are required for a healthy crop. farmers also use manures.

19. rhizobium is a nitrogen fixation bacteria basically present in roots of plants. they fix nitrogen from air into the soil which helps plants for their growth.

20. legumes are plants having root nodules. examples of leguminous plants are :- chickpeas, soya bean, beans, peas etc.

rhizobium is related to them as this bacteria is present in the roots of leguminous plants.

PS :- the ss of fill in the blanks is my own answer as it was exceeding 5000 characters.  &lt;p&gt; <br /><br />pic credit - Google. &lt;/p&gt;
Answered by sreelavy275


this is your answer friend

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