Name the headquarter of North Western railway zone.
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Jaipur. The headquarters of the North Western Railway is located in Jaipur. Thisdivision came into being on amalgamating parts of Bombay, Baroda and Central IndiaRailway (BB&CI), Rajputana Malwa Railwayand Jaipur State Railways. It caters to the states of Rajasthan, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.
Jaipur. The headquarters of the North Western Railway is located in Jaipur. Thisdivision came into being on amalgamating parts of Bombay, Baroda and Central IndiaRailway (BB&CI), Rajputana Malwa Railwayand Jaipur State Railways. It caters to the states of Rajasthan, Haryana and Uttar Pradesh.
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