Name the instrument and agricultural practice given in the figure. Give its construction also
Agriculture: The applied branch of biology which deals with cultivation of plants and rearing of animals is called agriculture. Generally, the art or practice of cultivating land is referred as agriculture. The branch of agriculture which deals with food, health and management of animals is known as animal husbandry.
• Crop: When plants of the same kind are grown and cultivated at one place on a large scale is called as a crop.
• Crops are also classified on the basis of the seasons as given below:
▸ Kharif Crops: The crops which are grown during the monsoon (rainy) season (June-September) are called kharif crops. For example, maize, millet (bajra) and cotton crops. Seeds of these crops are sown in the beginning of the monsoon season. After maturation, these crops are harvested at the end of the monsoon season (Oct.-Nov.).
▸ Rabi Crops: Crops which are grown during the winter season (October-March) are called rabi crops. For example, wheat, gram and mustard. Seeds of these crops are sown in the beginning of the winter season. After maturation of crops, they are harvested at the end of the winter season (April-May).
• Agricultural Practices: All activities which farmers do for the cultivation of plants are called agricultural practices.
For doing various activities, a farmer needs different types of tools. These tools which are involved in cultivation of plants are called agricultural implements. Farmers perform agricultural practices in a sequence.
• Various Agricultural Practices:
(i) Preparation of soil
(ii) Sowing
(iii) Adding manure and fertilizers
(iv) Irrigation
(v) Protection from weeds
(vi) Harvesting
(vii) Storage.
• Agricultural Implements:
▸ Plough
▸ Hoe
▸ Cultivator
▸ Seed drill
• Implements used for traditional ways of Irrigation:
▸(a) Moat (b) Dhekli
(c) Rahat
(d) Chain pump and
(e) Motor pumps
• Basic Practices of Crop Production
▸ Preparation of Soil: Before sowing the crop seeds, the soil of fields is loosened and overturned.
This process is called ploughing or tilling. Ploughing causes ventilation of soil and makes it suitable for the growth of small organisms living in it.
▸ Plough: A large farming implement with one or more blades fixed in a frame, used to turn over and cut furrows in soil, is called plough. Plough may be made of only wood, wood and iron, and of iron only (Fig. 1.1).
▸ Ploughshare: The main cutting blade of a plough.
▸ Hoe: A tool which is used for removing weeds and for loosening the soil.
▸ Cultivator: Nowadays ploughing is done by a tractor driven cultivator. The use of cultivator saves labour and time (Fig. 1.2).
▸ Sowing of Seeds: For sowing, farmers obtain certified seeds from State Agriculture Department and Seed Corporation. Sometimes, farmers also select seeds from their own crop. For selection of seeds of most of the crops, seeds are put into a bucket of water. The seeds which float on water are rejected. These seeds are defective. The seeds which remain submerged in water are selected for sowing. The selected seeds are treated with chemicals such as agrosan or ceresan. This chemical treatment protects seedling from seed-borne diseases. Seeds are sown either by hand-broadcasting (spreading) or by seed drills (Fig. 1.3). A type of seed drill, commonly used, is a long iron pipe having a funnel at the top. It is tied at the back of the plough [Fig. 1.4(a)].
A farmer does ploughing and simultaneously releases seeds from the funnel. Seeds thus released pass through iron pipe to the soil furrows which are formed by the plough.
▸ Adding Manure and Fertilisers: Like other plants, crop plants also obtain their mineral nutrients from the soil. Continuous growing of crop in the field causes deficiency of mineral nutrients in the soil. So, the manure is added to the soil to make up the deficiency of mineral nutrients. This process is called manuring. Manure is prepared from cow dung, urine and other wastes.
Sometimes, soil becomes deficient in a particular mineral nutrients. This happens when same crop is grown in the same field year after year. For example, a particular crop takes more phosphate. If this crop is grown in a field every year, the soil will become deficient in phosphorus nutrient. This type of deficiency of a particular nutrient is made up by adding chemical substances called fertilisers. For example: urea, super phosphate and NPK (Nitrogen, Phosphorus, Potassium).
▸ Irrigation: The supply of water to crops at different intervals is called irrigation. The time and frequency of irrigation varies from crop to crop, soil to soil and season to season.
• Methods of Irrigation
▸ Traditional methods:
— Moat (pulley-system)
— Chain pump
— Dhekli — Rahat
▸ Modern methods:
— Sprinkler system
— Drip system
• Protection from Weed
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What are Agricultural Implements?
Agricultural implements are tools which are required to carry out agricultural practices. There are a number of agricultural implements used in today’s farming activities. In general, these implements are of five major types.
Types of Agricultural Implements
Following are the different types of agricultural implements used by the farmers to facilitate easy production of crops:
Irrigation Machinery
It includes central pivot irrigation systems and pump units. It helps in the watering of crops at appropriate levels.
Soil Cultivation Implements
These are used to plough the soil and prepare it for cultivation. For eg., disk harrows, spike, drag, etc.
Planting Machines
These are used to plant the seeds and saplings over a large land area after the cultivation of soil. This is achieved using broadcast seeders, precision drills, air seeders, seed drills, transplanting equipment, etc.
Harvesting Implements
These implements are used to harvest the matured crops. For eg., trailers, diggers, pickers, etc.
Other Agricultural Equipment
These are used in the final agricultural activities such as hay-making, loading, shredding, etc.
Agricultural Tools
Agricultural tools such as sickle, plough, hoe, drills, etc. are implemented in agricultural activities to make the process more productive and efficient. There are a large number of agricultural tools used by the farmers for cultivation.
Following are the different types of agricultural tools used in farming:
It is usually derived from wood and is pulled by two bulls. It has been used since ancient times for tiling, turning the soil and adding fertilizers. It consists of a long wooden log called ploughshaft. It has a strong triangular iron strip known as a ploughshare. The other end is connected to a beam that is then placed on the bull’s neck. However, the wooden ploughs are now substituted by iron ploughs and it is drawn by tractors.
Hoe has been used since ancient times for cultivation purposes. It consists of a long rod of wood and is pulled by the animals. It is pulled by the animals and is used for loosening the soil and removing weeds. It has a strong, broad, bent plate of iron which works as a blade.
A plough attached to a tractor is called a cultivator. This reduces labour and saves time. It stirs the soil around the maturing crop to promote growth and destroy weeds.
Seed Drill
This is used for sowing seeds. This is done with the help of tractors. It makes sure that the seeds are sown at equal distances and depths and are covered with the soil. This allows plants to receive sufficient sunlight, nutrients, and water from the soil. This saves labour, time and protects the seeds from being eaten by birds or other animals.Answer: