CBSE BOARD X, asked by powerfulgodwonders, 1 year ago

Name the three buttons present to the right of the title bar


Answered by Anonymous00004

From left to right

Minimise , Maximise and Close.

Answered by dikshaverma4you


Let us first discuss what a Title Bar is.

A horizontal bar which is present at the top of your window is known as Title Bar. This bar shows the title of the software along with the name of the currently opened document.

For eg.:- If you have opened paint in your computer, the top bar shows the name of the software which is paint and along with the software name it shows the file name which you have opened in paint.

Let us now talk about the three buttons present at the top right corner of the Title Bar :-

  1. Mimimize
  2. Maximize
  3. Close

The minimize button has a ( - ) minus sign. Whenever, you click on it, it will minimize or shrink your current program and will locate it on your taskbar without actually closing the program. This means, that your program will run in the background.

The maximize button has a square sign.  As the name suggests, it maximizes or enlarges your program into the size of the window.

The close button has a ( x ) cross sign. It exits you from your current program, or it closes the current program. Make sure to save your work done before hitting this button.

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