name to organic constituents of sewage
Water is considered a part of society, the use of one person can impact other people as the wastewater treatment is a cycle, so the discharge of one user can become the supply to other. To a good water management it is necessary to understand the nature and the constituents of the wastewater to design and operate an efficient collection, treatment, reuse facilities and regulations, which drives the treatment of the wastewater by the knowledge of harmful components to living beings and the environment. Some constituents of concern in wastewater treatment are: Total solids, composed of floating matter, settleable matter, colloidal matter and matter in solution; Biodegradable organics, usually measured in terms of biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) and of chemical oxygen demand (COD); Pathogens, some of them can transmit diseases; Nutrients, mainly nitrogen and phosphorus that leads to eutrophication; Priority pollutants that could be carcinogens, mutagens or highly toxic; Refractory pollutants, like pesticides, phenols and surfactants, that can resist to conventional methods of treatment; Organic pollutants, like oil; Heavy metals, very harmful to humans, animals and the environment; Dissolved inorganics such as sodium, calcium and sulphate; and Pharmaceuticals that can affect humans and animals. These constituents, among others make the wastewater be characterized in terms of physical, chemical and biological composition.