Name two electrical appliances of daily use in which electric motor is used. Name and state the principle on which an electric motor works.
CBSE Class X Science SA 2 (3 Marks)
computers and mixers are two electrical appliances of daily use in which electric motor is used.
it works on the principle that if a current carrying conductor in within a magnetic field it experiences force
Two electrical appliances of daily use in which electric motor is used:
Water pumps, washing machine.
Working principle of an electric motor:
An electric 'motor' is a "device" that basically converts 'electrical energy' into 'mechanical energy'. The main principle behind an electric motor depends on the magnetic effect caused by the electric current.
This principle-based on "Fleming’s left-hand rule" and is based on the fact that a current laden loop, when placed in a 'magnetic field', experiences a force in a direction 'perpendicular' to the 'magnetic field' and current.