Biology, asked by oxfordriskllc8555, 10 months ago

Name two fat soluble vitamins their sources and disese caused due to their deficency in diet


Answered by upadhyeswaralee

fat soluble vitamins are A,D,E,K.

Vitamin A can be obtained through natural sources. Some sources include:

fish liver oil

liver of animals


Vitamin A deficiency is not common in developed countries. However, vegetarians are at a higher risk of a deficiency because they do not get some kinds of vitamin A through their normal diet.

Similarly, people in developing countries with limited food sources or people whose diet is low in meat intake may also suffer from vitamin A deficiencies.

Vitamin D is produced naturally in the human body when the skin is exposed to the sun. people can obtain vitamin D through some food sources, including:

fish oil

fatty fish

mushrooms exposed to ultraviolet light

fortified dairy product

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