(तरो: अध: गुरुः अस्ति। केचन वटवः गुरुम् उपगच्छन्ति। गत्वा च ते सर्वे गुरुणा सह आलपन्ति
हे गुरो। नमः अस्तु
शुभं भवतु। सर्वे उपविशन्तु
धन्यवाद : श्रीमन्।
युष्माकम् अद्य अस्मिन् गुरुकुले अन्तिमः दिवसः अस्ति । कथयत, यूयं किं वाञ्छथ?
भगवन्! वयं द्वादश-वर्षाणि भवादशेभ्यः योग्येभ्यः गुरुभ्यः विद्याम् अपठाम। नूनम् वयं धन्याः स्मः।
Meaning of Vasomotor in Hindi / vasomotor का हिंदी में मतलब:
निम्नलिखित हिंदी में शब्द के अर्थ की पूरी सूची है:
वाहिका प्रेरक
रक्तनली का संचालक
वाहिकाओं की दीवारों में आंदोलन के कारण; के रूप में, वासोमोटर तंत्र; रक्त वाहिकाओं के पेशी कोटों पर नसों की एक प्रणाली, वास्मोटर नसें
Meaning of Vasomotor in English / vasomotor का अंग्रेज़ी में मतलब:
निम्नलिखित अंग्रेज़ी में शब्द के अर्थ की पूरी सूची है:
Causing movement in the walls of vessels; as, the vasomotor mechanisms; the vasomotor nerves, a system of nerves distributed over the muscular coats of the blood vessels
Relating to the nerves and muscles that cause the blood vessels to constrict or dilate
Examples of Vasomotor / vasomotor के उदाहरण:
निम्नलिखित अंग्रेज़ी में Vasomotor शब्द के उदाहरण हैं:
The pathology of vasomotor rhinitis appears to involve neurogenic inflammation and is as yet not very well understood (संदर्भ / Reference)
The cardiac and vasomotor centers respond to the decrease in blood pressure with sympathetic outflow to the heart and blood vessels (संदर्भ / Reference)
A 2016 Cochrane review found not enough evidence to show a difference between Chinese herbal medicine and placebo for the vasomotor symptoms (संदर्भ / Reference)
The category was formerly referred to as vasomotor rhinitis, as the first cause discovered was vasodilation due to an overactive parasympathetic nerve response (संदर्भ / Reference)
The medulla contains the cardiac, respiratory, vomiting and vasomotor centers and therefore deals with the autonomic functions of breathing, heart rate and blood pressure (संदर्भ / Reference)
Depression of the vasomotor center of the brain can cause the loss of vasomotor tone of blood vessels, resulting in massive dilatation of veins (संदर्भ / Reference)
Antagonism of adenosine receptors by caffeine stimulates the medullary vagal, vasomotor, and respiratory centers, which increases respiratory rate, reduces heart rate, and constricts blood vessels (संदर्भ / Reference)
It has been also observed that the vasomotor symptoms differ during early perimenopause and late menopausal transition and it is possible that they are caused by a different mechanism (संदर्भ / Reference)
Related words for Vasomotor / vasomotor के सम्बंधित शब्द:
निम्नलिखित हिंदी में शब्द के सम्बंधित शब्दों की पूरी सूची है / Below is the complete list of related words for vasomotor
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Vasomotor अन्य भाषाओं में:
नीचे अन्य भाषाओं में शब्द के लिए शब्दों की पूरी सूची है:
hindi: वासोमोटोर
bengali: বসমতর
gujrati: વસોમોટોર
kannada: ವಾಸೊಮೊಟೊರ್
malayalam: വാസോമോതോര്
marathi: वासोमोटोर
punjabi: ਵਸੋਮੋਟੋਰ
tamil: வசோமோட்டோர்
telugu: వశోమోటొర్