Narrate the events leading to Ranga's marriage?
The story Ranga’s Marriage is narrated by Shyama, a concerned inhabitant of Hosahalli which is located in the state of Mysore (before Independence). Shyama is enamored with the place, its beauty, and its people.
He loves the mango trees, the village pond and the creeper looking over it. He finds it unfortunate that both the English rulers and his own people have grown oblivious to the heart-fulfilling environment of Hosahalli, a place that finds no place on any cartographic constructions or geographical maps.
He says that the doctor in the village has traveled to many places around the country and even the World and still considers the village to be uniquely special. The village speaks Kannada even though much has changed with the introduction of English in the casual conversations of the people.
The answer has been stated below.
Ranga's views about marriage were very different from what the people of his village had. He considered a couple to be of similar age for an ideal marriage. He wanted to marry someone equivalent to his age whom he would select and admire. The narrator of the story, Shyama introduced to Ratna who was eleven years younger than him. Ranga was taken by Ratna's beauty and sweet voice. After the Shastri of the village confirmed them to be the right match for each other, the marriage was decided. Ranga and Ratna were happily married thereafter.
Learn more:
What was the preception of ranga regarding marriage ? Story rangas marriage
Character Sketch Of Ranga In Ranga'S Marriage