Nations growth depends upon the wealth of trees
Nations growth depends upon the wealth of trees’ is a statement
given by a poet named Henry Cuyler Bunner.
He has mentioned this statement in his poem “Heart Of The Tree”.
The poet here wants to say that plantation is an act of goodness.
Anything big starts with one little good thought.
He has used tree plantation as a metaphor for progressive thoughts.
And if considered literally, trees provide us with furniture and paper.
Trees give us cure to various diseases too.
A nation with less diseases is always a developed nation.
Indeed country's development relies upon the abundance of trees.
The country's development relies on the abundance of trees as we plant more trees, there will be control on contamination.
Beyond any doubt it will be valuable.
Truly, it will completely be correct on the off chance that we say that country's development relies on the abundance of trees.