natural resources essay for class 11 asl ?
Soil, wood, oil. minerals, petroleum, water are considered natural resources because they occur in their natural form and are not made by human beings.
Humans can only modify natural resources. The energy that makes natural resources comes from geochemical, geophysical and solar energy.
The exploitation of nature and natural resources can be dated back to the advent of humankind and the very start of civilization. Earlier people used to cut trees for fuel, for building materials for boats and for shelter. There are two kinds of natural resources- renewable and nonrenewable.
Wood which is one of the main natural resources has the advantage of being renewable. Fish, animals and forests can renew themselves if they are not over-harvested. Forests can be replanted and, in time, the wood that was used can be replaced.
However unlike trees that are a renewable resource all these are non renewable. The reserves are finite and at some point in the future they will be depleted.