Social Sciences, asked by Chot0rthrmankadra, 1 year ago

Nazi cult of motherhood


Answered by Golda
Nazi Cult of Motherhood:-- In order to increase the master race and to fit in with Nazi Philosophy, women had a specific role. Discouraged from the workplace, their job was to be mothers, organise home and produce children for the master race. The girls in Nazi Germany were encouraged to be good mothers. Their role was referred to as the "Three Ks", Kinder, Kirch, Kuche(Children, Church, Cooking). Many social programs were implemented by Hitler to encourage the growth of the strong German Nazi mothers. One such program was to advocate the virtues of motherhood. Cash incentives were paid for each children born. on the 16th December 1938, Hitler instituted a new award to honor German Nazi motherhood. The name of that honor was 'The cross of Honor'. But if the women keep connections with a Jew and if the child is racially undesirable then they were to have severe punishments.
Answered by arpithaarnav


While boys were taught to be aggressive, masculine and steel hearted, girls were told that

they had to become good mothers and rear pure-blooded Aryan children. Girls had to maintain their

purity of the race, distance themselves from Jews, look after the home and teach their children Nazi values..

 In Nazi Germany all mothers were not treated equally. Women who bore racially undesirable children were

punished and those who produced racially desirable children were awarded. They were given favoured

treatment in hospitals and concessions in shops, theatre tickets and railway fares.

 To encourage women to produce many children, Honour Crosses were awarded. A bronze cross was given

for four children, silver for six and gold for eight or more.

 All Aryan women who deviated from the prescribed code of conduct were publicly condemned, and

severely punished. Those who maintained contact with Jews, Poles and Russians were paraded through the

town with shaved heads and blackened faces.

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