Translation of poem mitti ki mahima
In the poem the poet tells about the glory of mud. Mud was beaten by the heartless potter and was scattered every time but it did not get erased.
Gets nourished by hope, gets sifted in the sieve, gets heated in the sun, and falls back when the night falls, like a child's doll what is the personality of innocent mud, flies away when the storm comes and melts when it rains.
Crops grow, crops are cut, but mud remains fertile forever. It is made a hundred times and demolished a hundred times, but mud is indestructible. Mud melts but its faith becomes eternal.
Infinite life forms emerge from it and get dissolved into it. It has shaken numerous universes, has made dissolution swing and a number of time periods have played in her lap.
If it cries autumn comes, if it smiles spring spreads all around, if it swings the children swing, if it dances even the best dance feels ashamed, what is the intoxication of a cup of liquor in front of the happiness offered by it.
If forty nine clouds, forty nine winds, the sky level it, if it rains heavily, storm stops the mud keeps laughing always. The nightingale flies away but its song remains forever, mud melts but its faith becomes eternal.