need this ASAP !!!!!!! summary of The french revolution
Before 1789, France was ruled by the nobles and the catholics. The ideas of the enlightenment were beginning to make the ordinary people want more power. They could see that the American revolution had created a country in which the people had power, instead of a king.
Factors responsible for French revolution are :
1) heavy taxes on third estate.
2) social disparities the society.
3) rise in price rise of bread.
4) Influence of many philolosophers like Rousseau.
After many reforms, and new enlightened ideas, the revolution was over. Clearly, with all of these new reforms, the third estate had gotten exactly what they wanted and succeeded in the revolution. There were new ideas such as enlightenment, citizenship, nationalism, and inalienable rights. After this ten years of upheaval and turmoil, the new, modern France was finally formed, inspired by the American Revolution.
it is a Revolution which outbreak during the period of 1774 .
the following are some circumstances leading to the outbreak of Revolutionary protest in France:
rumours spread that King would soon order to open fire upon the citizens.
most people were protesting against the high Precision bread.
in 1774 Louis XVI and become the emperor of France e found an Empty treasury so he started increasing taxes.
French society in the 18th century was divided into three states only members of third estate paid taxes.
wages did not keep pace with the rise in prices
privilege based on birth.
France abolished monarchy and become a republic:
# Louis XVI had signed the constitution but he entered into secret negotiations with the king of Prussia .
rulers of other neighbouring countries to worried by the development in France and made beans to send troops to stop the Revolutionary events taking place.
before this could happen the national assembly voted in April 1792 to declare war against prussia and Austria.
thousands of voluntary is joined the army from the provinces to join the Army.
peoples are this war is a war of the people against King aristocracies all over Europe.
the patriotic song marsellis is composed by the poet Robert De isol of France Sun for the first time by volunteers from mersiless as they mast into Paris which is now the National Anthem of France.