new issue market conclusion?
This paper aims to examine the role of the new issue market [NIM] in India. Section I of the paper sketches the methodology and scope of the enquiry. Section II attempts to present the overall role of, and trends in, the funds raised from the NIM vis-a-vis corporate financing. Sections III and IV enquire into the differences in the role of the NIM by size of firms and their group association. Section V explores how the use of the NIM is influenced by the rate of growth. Sections VI and VII are concerned with industry and age differences in relation to NIM. Section VIII contains the concluding observations.
Journal Information
The Economic and Political Weekly, published from Mumbai, is an Indian institution which enjoys a global reputation for excellence in independent scholarship and critical inquiry. First published in 1949 as the Economic Weekly and since 1966 as the Economic and Political Weekly, EPW, as the journal is popularly known, occupies a special place in the intellectual history of independent India. For more than five decades EPW has remained a unique forum that week after week has brought together academics, researchers, policy makers, independent thinkers, members of non-governmental organisations and political activists for debates straddling economics, politics, sociology, culture, the environment and numerous other disciplines.
Publisher Information
First published in 1949 as the Economic Weekly and since 1966 as the Economic and Political Weekly, EPW, as the journal is popularly known, occupies a special place in the intellectual history of independent India. For more than five decades EPW has remained a unique forum that week after week has brought together academics, researchers, policy makers, independent thinkers, members of non-governmental organisations and political activists for debates straddling economics, politics, sociology, culture, the environment and numerous other disciplines.
Relating the market scenario with the frequency of IPOs, it can be concluded that the companies prefer to come with IPOs in bullish market sentiments. The optimistic sentiments of the investors in the bullish markets help the companies in pricing their issues and in comfortably raising the funds from the public.
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