Math, asked by seshugaddam, 1 year ago

Nine balls are given .All are equally weighed except one that was less weighed .How would we identify the less weighed in two chances?
Help me


Answered by Brendancrawford


Step-by-step explanation:

Let's divide them in three groups say A, B and C.

Now we have three groups each comprising 3 balls say,

A1,A2,A3,  B1,B2,B3,  C1,C2,C3

Now weigh A against B

Case1: A=B

In this case the defective ball is one from lot C.

Weigh C1 against C2

If C1>C2

C2 is lighter.

Ans C2.

If C1C1 is lighter.

Ans C1.

If C1=C2

C3 is the answer.

Case2: A>B

Here B is the lighter lot hence one of them is defective.

Now weigh B1 against B2

If B1>B2

B2 is lighter hence the answer.

If B2>B1

B1 is lighter.

Ans B1.

If B1=B2

B3 is the defective one.

Case3: AIn this case the defective ball is from lot A.

We can find out which one similarly as in above two cases.

Hope this helps

Brendancrawford: plz give brainliest
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