English, asked by kumarvarun0905, 1 year ago

Nine gold medal poem how the song is celebrating the basis human value


Answered by danielochich
"Nine gold medal's '' is a poem about human values of companionship, empathy and brotherhood.

In this poem, nine differently abled runners participate in special Olympics in order to achieve the gold medal and respect that comes with it.

All of them had been practicing really hard for the race with the ultimate hope of winning the competition.

This poem ultimately emphasizes and celebrates the idea of care and consideration more than the burden of the writing. 

In life, we often prioritize competitions and focus on winning them at any cost irrespective of of what comes our ways.

However, there are even bigger things in life than just winning a competition.

This poem is about sportsmanship and kindness exhibited by these athletes that made them with a gold medal each for their exemplary behavior.   

The poem is written much like a story in which the poet narrates the tale of nine young runners from all over the country.

The poem, is to some extend based on true account, Special Olympics is the worlds largest sports organization for people with disabilities that focuses on the developing the qualities of sportsmanship, self confidence and team spirit in the individuals.


Answered by YMROCK


Jesse Owens' autobiographical writing 'My Greatest Olympic Prize' celebrates the themes of true friendship and true sportsmanship. It is an account of his friendship with Luz Long, his German rival in the board jump event in Berlin Olympics 1936.

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