English, asked by kartik994, 8 months ago

(a) Fill the blank spaces with later' or 'latter.
1. The majority accepted the proposal.
2. The part of the book shows signs of hurry.
3. Ata date, he was placed in charge of the whole taluka.
4. Iprefer the proposition to the former.
5. Is there no_news than last week's ?
(b) Fill the blank spaces with older' or 'elder:
1. I have an__sister.
2. Rama is_than Hari by two years.
3. His brother is in the Indian Police Service.
4. She is the_ of the two sisters.
5. The nephew is than his unde.
(o Fill the blank spaces with 'oldest' and 'eldest:
1. Rustam is the of my uncle's five sons.
2. He is the___member of the School Committee.
3. That is Antonio, the duke's son.
4. The_mosque in the town is near the railway station.
5. Mr. Smith is the teacher in the school.
(d) Fill the blank spaces with 'farther' or 'further'
1. I can't walk any_
2 No reasons were given.
3. He walked off without_ ceremony.
4. Until orders Mr KS Dave will act as Headmaster of Nira High School
5. To let a bungalow at Ridge Road. For particulars apply to Box No. 65
(e) Fill the blank spaces with latest'orʻlast:
1. The_ news from China is very disquieting,
2. The_ timel saw him, he was in high spirits.
3. Today the day for receiving tenders.
4. We expect to get the__ _news in a few hours.
5. The _Moghul Emperor came to an ignominious end.
(f) Fill the blank spaces with nearest' or 'next?
1. This is the post office to my house.
2. The pillar-box is ____to my house.
3. The burglar was taken to the__police station.
4. His house is__to mine.
5. The_ railway station is two miles from here.​


Answered by manish1976tiwari

ni pata yar bhai sorry me mafi chata hu

Answered by kritigautam64



1. later

2. latter

3. latter

4. later

5. later


1. elder

2. older

3. elder

4. older

5. elder


1. eldest

2. oldest

3. eldest

4. oldest

5. oldest


1. further

2. further

3. farther

4. farther

5. farther


1. latest

2. last

3. last

4. latest

5. last







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