Noodle avoids offending Think − Tank but at the same time he corrects his mistakes. How does he mange to do that?
Noodle is far wiser than Think Tank. He avoids offending him because Think Tank is the ruler of Mars. He knows that think tank is a conceited fellow. He thinks himself to be the most intelligent creature in the whole universe. So noodle always take care not to offend Think Tank vanity. He makes his suggestions in a very polite manner. He calls them them ‘insignificant’. When Think Tank takes books for sandwiches it is Noodle who corrects him . He says that the Earthlings did not eat them. They used them as a communication device. He again corrects him by saying that the Earthlings did not listen to them. They opened them and watched them. It is again Noodle who suggests that the space people should take vitamins to increase their intelligence. But everytime he uses such phrases as ‘Forgive me, your Cleverness’ or ‘Please excuse me, your Brilliance’.
Noodle avoided offending Think-Tank, but at the same time, he very cleverly tries to correct his mistakes also. Whenever Noodle had to say something contrary to what Think- Tank said, he would present his thoughts by referring to them as being of no particular importance. In this way he would correct Think-Tank’s errors without making him feel that he was being corrected.Noodle appears to be quite an expert in handling these kind of people.