Note making on chapter 1 ncert English class 11 hornbill
Title: Memoir of My Grandmother / The Portrait of A Lady
1. Early Remi.
(a) very old, wrinkled,
(b) grandfather's portrait
(c) short, fat, slightly bent
2. Village Association
(a) parents moved to city
(b) looked after the author
(c) woke, bathed, fed, accom to school
3. City life
(a) life changed dramatically
(b) didn't like western edu
(c)sparrow feeding fav pastime
(d) author's higher studies created more distance
(e) author went abroad; feared he would not see her again
4. Author's return and her passing away
(a) author returned after 5 years
(b)went to receive him
(c)celebrated his homecoming; sang songs; fell ill and died
(d) sparrows mourned her death; didn't eat any crumb
Key to abbreviations
1. remi= reminiscences
2. accom= accompanied
3. edu= education
4. fav= favourite
I hope it is helpful to you